Homosexuality, so what?

Men, women, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgender.. Don’t we have  two eyes,  two ears and one mouth? Aren’t we all human? Some people do not think so. These people see homosexuality as a disease or a perversion, something weird, they don’t accept it because they think it is unnatural. But what is natural?Getting pregnant by a spirit? I see…  Homosexuals should not be discriminated for who they love and should have the same rights of all the other couples , such as the chance to get married.

First of all, people should understand that there is no cure because they are not sick and it is not a disease. Homosexuals are normal people who deserve to love and be loved. Unfortunately, it is not easy to change the medieval mentality of these people, even if homosexual people are no longer so few. Currently, the percentage of homosexuals has increased, it is thought that about 5% of the population is homosexual but if we consider also transgender and bisexual the percentage reaches 15%. In addition there are still people who hide themselves behind cover  partners, the so-called “beards”. They are forced  to eliminate their true feelings because of these small-minded people. The number is high, but people still consider homosexuals as creatures of the devil. Just because they are the minority, it doesn’t mean they are not normal. Love is the most natural human feeling, who cares who we love? Two people, no matter what gender they are, who love each other , free to marry and have babies.  This is just what they want. There are babies who grow up in horrible families or without one,  wouldn’t it be better if they had two people who love them? Many believe that if you grow up in a gay family, you will become gay as well. It is true that children tend to emulate their parents but love is something that you just can’t control, nothing can change it.

The truth is that society is still afraid of “the different” and is not ready for such a big step, especially in Italy, the country of traditions. People should understand that all homosexuals just want to be considered as a normal couple and have the same rights , whoever they love  (and frankly speaking, why should you care?).

Lady Gaga said : A different lover is not a sin… ’cause baby you were born this way